Update 0.1.3 - Challenge Rooms

Today's update is all about adding a new type of room you might come across from now on: the Challenge Room!

This room will be hidden behind a dedicated signpost and introduces a new enemy: the Genetic Container.


This container spawns other enemies at regular intervals of times until destroyed. A specific container can only spawn one kind of enemy, which is being assigned randomly at its creation.

Three of them are created at random positions (chosen among a few predefined spots) when you begin the challenge. If you manage to destroy all of them and their offsprings, you will be rewarded with a high-tier item and a lot of coins.

Some other minor changes were also made:

  • Big Brains's meatballs now disappear when he dies.
  • There is now an indication in the inventory window to show the player he can cycle through his stats and his passive items to display their description.


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